Amplifying Research

You’re listening to Amplifying Research with Chris Pahlow. After 15 years working as a professional storyteller, I’m now on a mission to help make sure that incredible research all around the world generates real impact with the help of effective engagement and communication. Find out more at

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Tuesday Oct 08, 2024

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We dive into the worlds of marketing and pop culture with Dr. Jennifer Beckett and Dr. Eloise Faichney. They share lessons from industry that researchers can apply to engage the public, boost their research visibility, and foster interdisciplinary collaboration.
Jen and Eloise are both lecturers in media and comms at the University of Melbourne who spent time out in the industry before becoming academics.
They were key figures behind the Swiftposium, a hybrid academic conference on the cultural impact of Taylor Swift, which garnered media attention from outlets like the BBC, CNN, Rolling Stone, Marie Claire, and more.
Together, we unpack the lessons they learned on how to make research resonate with broader audiences, leveraging pop culture to spark interest and communicate complex ideas in engaging ways.
Whether you're aiming to connect with the public or build meaningful interdisciplinary collaborations, this episode is packed with actionable insights and real-world examples to help you amplify your research.
Our conversation covers:
How researchers can apply marketing and media strategies to engage the public and increase visibility
The importance of agility, creativity, and playfulness in academic communication
How to bridge the gap between professional staff and academics
Strategies for effective interdisciplinary collaboration
Lessons learned from organising the viral Swiftposium
Tips for researchers on crafting their career narrative
The value of being open to unexpected opportunities
How to balance academic rigour with public engagement
Supporting early-career researchers with media training to amplify their impact
Find Dr. Jennifer Beckett and Dr. Eloise Faichney online:
Jen —
Eloise —
Swiftposium —
Things mentioned:
Swiftposium Pursuit articles:
Professor Skye reviews: Run The Jewels, JPEGMAFIA, Billy Woods, and Kendrick Lamar’s “Not Like Us”

Tuesday Sep 24, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips on the Amplifying Research website: 
Let's take a deep dive into the art of condensing complex research into presentations that are both concise and compelling. Dr. Agnes Mukurumbira — winner of the 2023 Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Asia-Pacific Final and People's Choice — shares her journey to success and breaks down her winning presentation.
Agnes is the co-founder of the startup Food Protect and a researcher at Deakin University's CASS Food Research Center. She discusses how winning the 3MT has opened doors and shaped her career, and takes us through the storytelling techniques that have helped with her 3MT and beyond. We break down her 3MT moment-by-moment, pulling out practical takeaways you can apply to your own research communication.
Whether you're preparing for a competition like the 3MT, honing your elevator pitch, or simply looking to communicate your research more effectively to laypeople, this episode offers invaluable insights on making your work more accessible.
Our conversation covers:
The impact of winning the 3MT on Agnes's career and visibility as a researcher
Agnes’ process of preparing for the 3MT, including key storytelling techniques
Strategies for explaining complex scientific concepts to non-specialist audiences
How to structure a compelling short presentation
The importance of relatability and using analogies in science communication
Balancing technical details with broader impact in presentations
Tips for presenting to both live audiences and on camera
The value of the competitions like the 3MT in developing crucial science communication skills
Find Dr Agnes Mukurumbira online:
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Tuesday Sep 10, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips on the Amplifying Research website: 
Today’s episode is a deep dive with Professor Robert Fitzgerald, on how to incorporate human-centred design into your research practices to boost impact for the communities you’re hoping to serve.
Rob has held several leadership roles, including as the Head of the Canberra School of Professional Studies at UNSW, Pro Vice Chancellor of Education Strategy at Charles Darwin University, and Director of the University of Canberra's Inspire Centre for Innovation in Education and Training.
With over 35 years of experience in education and digital transformation, Rob is passionate about human-centred design. In this episode, we explore how to move beyond just filling out a couple of paragraphs in a grant application to actually working with communities to ensure your research not only provides the right solutions but also tackles the right questions.
Rob shares insights from international collaborative projects, illustrating the importance of listening, empathy, and co-design in research. We also discuss how to uncover the impact metrics that truly matter to the communities you’re working with, and how to keep engaging with them throughout the project to ensure you’re on the right track.
If you’re a researcher looking to make a real difference with your work, or if you’re part of a team aiming to bridge the gap between research and community needs, this episode is packed with practical insights and strategies that can help you achieve more meaningful and impactful outcomes.
Our conversation covers:
The importance of human-centred design in research and how it can significantly enhance the impact of your work.
Moving beyond basic grant application requirements to fully engage with the communities your research aims to serve.
How human-centred design requires researchers to stop talking and start asking questions, truly listening with empathy and curiosity.
Strategies for effective listening and empathy in research settings, especially when working with diverse and international communities.
The participatory and collaborative nature of HCD, involving not just community representatives but also other researchers and organizations.
The role of co-design in formulating research questions that are truly relevant to community needs.
Uncovering and understanding the impact metrics that matter most to the communities involved in your research.
The importance of having fun and making sure everyone feels respected and actively involved during research engagements.
Techniques for maintaining ongoing engagement with community partners throughout the research project.
Insights from Rob’s international collaborative projects, highlighting real-world applications of human-centred design.
The ethical considerations and challenges of conducting research that is both respectful and impactful.
Find Prof Robert Fitzgerald online:
LinkedIn —
Mentioned in the episode:
Gavin Blake, scribe —

Tuesday Aug 27, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips on the Amplifying Research website: 
Today’s episode is a deep dive with Associate Professor Nicholas Van Dam on how he raised $10M in philanthropic funding for the University of Melbourne's Contemplative Studies Centre.
Nicholas shares how he reframed his thinking to land that significant donation, and we discuss the importance of diversifying your funding portfolio, building connections with the right people, and effectively pitching your vision to potential donors.
If you’re a researcher or part of a research organisation looking to tap into philanthropic funding, this episode is packed with practical advice and strategies you can apply to your own work.
Our conversation covers:
Strategies for reframing your thinking to attract significant donations.
The importance of diversifying your funding sources and not relying solely on traditional grants.
How to build and maintain connections with potential donors and key stakeholders.
Listening and self-reflection — the importance of listening to potential donors and understanding their priorities while also reflecting on your own passions and long-term satisfaction before committing to funding agreements.
The value of dedicating time to develop the necessary skills for securing funding and taking meetings, even when uncertain about the outcomes.
Effective pitching techniques to communicate your vision and its impact compellingly.
The role of media appearances in building your reputation and increasing your visibility to potential donors.
The significance of surrounding yourself with the right people, seeking mentorship, and consciously building a strong, supportive team.
Tips on leveraging your existing networks to open doors to new funding opportunities.
Find A/Prof Nicholas Van Dam online:
UniMelb —
LinkedIn —

Tuesday Aug 13, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips on the Amplifying Research website: 
Today’s episode is a deep dive with Dr Jo Antoniades on how to conduct community engagement that builds real and authentic trust.
Jo is a Senior Research Fellow at the National Aging Research Institute in the Division of Social Gerontology, and is a colleague of Professor Bianca Narth, who featured in episode 14.
In today’s episode, we expand on that discussion by delving into the intricacies of co-designing with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
We explore why it’s crucial to involve community members right from the start, how to build authentic relationships, and the logistical challenges researchers might face. Jo shares invaluable insights on maintaining long-term relationships, the power of using the right language, and why employing bilingual research assistants can make a significant difference.
If you’re interested in enhancing your community engagement, this episode is packed with wisdom and practical tips you can start applying today!
Our conversation covers:
The importance of involving community members from the beginning of the research process
Strategies for making the first contact with multicultural communities
Building authentic and long-lasting relationships with community partners
Practical tips for overcoming logistical challenges in community engagement
The importance of understanding the motivations of partner organisations
Ensuring mutual benefit in community-researcher collaborations
The role of language and terminology in effective communication
Ethical considerations in engaging with diverse communities
The benefits of employing bilingual research assistants to bridge cultural gaps
Approaches for maintaining trust and ongoing relationships with community partners
Best practices for co-designing research projects with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
Find Dr Jo Antoniades online:
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Tuesday Jul 30, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips on the Amplifying Research website:
Today’s episode is a deep dive with Prof Megan Munsie on “owning your research” — taking control over the way your research is presented and discussed in public forums.
Megan is a renowned expert in stem cell research who has dedicated her career to exploring the ethical, legal, and social implications of this cutting-edge field. She currently works with the University of Melbourne, Murdoch Children's Research Institute, and the Novo Nordisk Foundation Centre for Stem Cell Medicine. She’s also a board member of the International Society for Stem Cell Research, the current president of the Australasian Society of Stem Cell Research, and her work has influenced policy reforms and the development of educational resources for over a decade.
In our conversation, we use the development of stem cell research as an example to explore why its so important to “own your research” and find the right balance between hype and hope.
Whether you’re a veteran working in a controversial research field, or an ECR just getting started with comms and engagement, if you’ve ever been frustrated by the significance of your work either being overhyped or underplayed, this episode is a must-listen!
Our conversation covers:
Proactively managing the narrative around your research
Tailoring your message for different audiences
Strategies for early career researchers to build confidence in public engagement
The role of mentorship and collaboration in shaping a research career
Managing the story of your career
Stakeholder mapping
Techniques for effective science communication and public engagement
Engaging with controversial research topics responsibly
Find Prof Megan Munsie online:
LinkedIn —
University of Melbourne —
Murdoch Children’s Research Institute —
Find Chris Pahlow online:
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Amplifying Research

Tuesday Jul 16, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips, on the Amplifying Research website:
Today's episode is a deep dive with Geoff Paine, senior content curator at BehaviourWorks Australia.
Geoff is an actor and writer who’s entertainment industry experience includes acting on shows like Neighbours and running a studio producing corporate content for major Australian organisations. He now brings his wealth of experience to BehaviourWorks Australia, focusing on creating engaging and impactful content.
In this episode, Geoff shares insights on how to design interactive experiences for impactful engagement. Drawing on his extensive background in storytelling and performance, he discusses the importance of making research communication engaging, interactive, and memorable. Geoff provides practical tips and innovative strategies for researchers to enhance their presentations and public engagements.
Whether you're a researcher, educator, or professional communicator, this episode is packed with valuable insights on using interactivity to drive engagement and impact!
Our conversation covers:
Practical tips for making complex research accessible and engaging
Designing interactive elements to enhance presentations and workshops
Techniques for storytelling and theatrical methods to engage audiences
Practical steps for planning and delivering interactive presentations
The importance of vulnerability in effective communication
Strategies for overcoming public speaking anxiety
Conducting simulation training for behaviour change within organisations
Find Geoff Paine online:
Find Chris Pahlow online:
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Amplifying Research

Tuesday Jul 02, 2024

View the full show notes, including a summary of practical tips, on the Amplifying Research website:
Today's episode is a deep dive with Bonnie Johnson and Anna Dennis from the Academy of Social Sciences.
Bonnie is the Academy's Communications Director with over 15 years of diverse experience in comms and marketing, specialising in not-for-profits. Anna is the Academy's Communications Manager with an honours in sociology and experience in the NGO space.
Over the last four years, Bonnie and Anna have achieved incredible things for the Academy, including the Seriously Social podcast reaching more than 100,000 downloads in three years and increasing the Academy's newsletter open rate from 12% to 47%.
In this episode, we use these initiatives as case studies to explore how Bonnie and Anna transformed the comms and engagement approach at the Academy of Social Sciences.
Whether you're the leader of a research org, a professional staff member, or an individual researcher, this episode is packed with actionable insights for boosting your reach!
Our conversation covers:
Setting clear goals for communications strategies
Identifying and understanding your target audience
Developing effective newsletters with high open rates
Creating and refining podcast content
Building and managing an effective communications team
Building trust in comms roles
Implementing and adapting communications strategies
Tracking metrics and providing regular progress reports
Leveraging technology and tools for efficient communication
Find Bonnie and Anna online:
Find Chris Pahlow online:
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Amplifying Research

Tuesday Jun 18, 2024

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Today’s episode is a deep dive with Prof Greg O’Grady, a professor of surgery at the University of Auckland who has successfully made the transition from academia to the world of startups.
Greg is the co-founder and CEO of Allimetry. We previously had Hanie Yee, Allimetry's COO, on the show to discuss the nuts and bolts of research commercialization. Building on that discussion, Greg gives us a first-person account of what it was like to make the move, and shares invaluable insights about navigating the unique challenges and opportunities that come with bringing academic innovations to the commercial market.
If you're an academic contemplating a venture into the startup space, this episode is a must-listen!
Our conversation covers:
Challenges and strategies for academics transitioning to the startup environment
Communicating your vision clearly and persuasively to potential investors.
Early market validation to guide product development
Finding and defining your company's narrative.
Tailoring your messages to meet the specific needs and perspectives of various stakeholders.
Techniques to motivate and align your team towards common goals
Celebrating wins and maintaining morale within the team.
Adopting a quarterly approach to strategy to stay agile and responsive.
The benefits and challenges of having a co-founder.
Tracking metrics and keeping the team updated with regular progress reports
Find Greg online:
Find Chris Pahlow online:
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Amplifying Research

Monday Jun 03, 2024

View the full show notes on the Amplifying Research website:
Today’s episode is a deep dive with Elizabeth Davie, the coordinator of the University of Melbourne’s Complex Human Data Hub and an accomplished comedy performer, director, and teacher.
Elizabeth shares her insights on the critical role of playfulness in research communication and engagement. She brings unique perspectives from her experience in clowning, improv, and stand-up comedy, emphasising how these art forms can transform workplace culture and enhance researchers’ communication skills.
Join us as we explore how playfulness can lead to more authentic, engaging, and memorable research presentations and why it’s essential to incorporate fun into our professional lives.If you have an important presentation, conference, or meeting coming up, this episode is a must listen! Elizabeth provides incredibly powerful and granular tips on how to be present and get in touch with your body during high stakes communications and engagements.
Our conversation covers:
The role of playfulness in professional settings and why it matters.
Elizabeth’s journey into clowning and how it influenced her approach to teaching and communication.
Practical tips for researchers to get comfortable with failure and use it to their advantage.
Techniques for becoming more present during presentations — including breathing, how to deal with nervous energy, and what to do right before you step on stage.
How to be playful about serious topics.
The importance of curiosity and how to foster it in your daily work.
Strategies for incorporating play and fun into research organizations to improve team dynamics and productivity.
Elizabeth’s insights on creating engaging and effective communication through humor and play.
Find Elizabeth Davie online:
Elizabeth’s Website
Elizabeth’s Online Stand-Up Skillshare Course
Find Chris Pahlow online:
Chris Pahlow on LinkedIn
Amplifying Research

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